As a certified master teacher and instructional coach, I spent countless hours every week planning and preparing for lessons, curriculum delivery and presentations. I never went before my students, or the teachers I coached, unprepared.
As a professional mentor I offer my mentees the same excellent service. I don't meet with them - whether by phone, Skype or in person -- without planning and preparation.
Can you imagine a teacher or presenter standing before the students or audience, and announcing, "This wasn't on my schedule, so give me a few minutes and I'll come up with something to share."
I often have pre-clients email me their telephone numbers with a message to call them. That's not how a professional mentor operates. In order for me to provide my best service to each client, I must have time to plan and prepare for our interaction. That includes setting an agenda for our call so that no one's time or money are wasted. Additionally, I have a daily schedule that I must adhere to for maximum efficiency in my own life and career.
A mentor is not your friend. You may be friends in life, but when the mentor-mentee relationship is in effect (on the clock) the former is imparting wisdom gained into the latter and therefore proper protocol must be enacted. In order to receive from a mentor, a mentee has to understand the relational dynamics.
I would love to be your mentor and help you dig deep to discover your authentic self. If you're willing and able to learn to do well, you'll reap the benefits of a fruitful life, career and family. Schedule a call with me today!