When I was an elementary reading teacher I was always given the lowest of the low to train. I always remember a 1st grader - Marcos Soliz - who came in to my class after school began one fall speaking no English and was moved up to Ms. Shee's class of proficient readers at the start of third quarter.
I'm the same way with mentoring. I work best with those in the pit because I'm trained to assist in getting them to rise above. I’ve been down to nothing – homeless and stinky from living in my car – and I’ve overcome and can support those who are hungry for excellence.
When I was needy and desperate, I was willing to listen to my mentors so that I could get breakthrough. I had to listen. Being teachable and willing to press forward through the difficult instructions given to me was crucial. There were times when a mentor told me I was my biggest issue. That used to be hard for me hear and even harder for me to believe. But, now that I’ve been set free from a victim mindset I don’t have trouble looking at myself – my thoughts, behaviors and attitudes – and examining them in the light of truth.
When I’m failing in one of the realms of my life, I seek after the wisdom required to change and I implement it. The reason behind my failure is a lack of sufficient understanding so I ask my mentors questions until I have a plan in place to adjust and move forward. And I know enough about honor to receive their advice and adapt it to my own process, and not dishonor them in any way.
There’s nothing wrong with (and it’s not surprising that it happens) failing because of lack of information. There is something wrong with not wanting to change, not listening to those who can help and expecting to be babied by a mentor. Mentors aren’t parents. Yes, they have a similar role as parents in that mentors train you to live well, but making you feel warm and fuzzy inside isn’t included.
I have to be honest, I don’t keep mentees who won’t listen. That’s a waste of both of our time and money. I have been through enough formal and life education to mentor those who come to me, and I’m going to be firm and provide the wisdom needed so they can stop failing and begin winning.
If you’re hungry, desperate and ready to turn things around in your life, schedule a call today. I’m here to help. Check back later for tips to on being a great mentee.